Push Notifications

Let your listeners know that a new episode is online!

Notify your listeners

How magic would be to notify your listeners every time a new episode is online? Every platform (iTunes, Spotify, etc) manages the notification in its own way and sometimes it doesn’t at all. Send to every listener a notification message and measure how many of them clicked on your link! Track your engagement and keep your audience always up to date!

Now you can create subscription campaigns!

You can also send the direct link to make your listeners subscribe. Post on social networks, send by email or WhatsApp: through this link, your audience will be notified at every new episode release!
Do you want to grow consistently your audience? Yeah, you can also create paid campaigns that convert in REAL SUBSCRIPTIONS!

Improve your podcast marketing

With gopod.me you can take your podcast marketing and podcast promotion to the next step!!

Start Now!